CFAES Give Today
OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Sentext Text Messages

The Holmes County Sr. Fairboard has collaborated with a company called Sentext to help open the lines of communication for all 4-H advisors, volunteers, parents, and youth who have a smart phone. This messaging system is optional, but it will be a great way to keep up on upcoming events or special events and contests that the Sr. Fairboard might be sponsoring if you are subscribed.

 We have broken down these text message reminders that you can receive by species. To sign up, please

1. Text the key word to the number provided

2. Follow the prompted text messages to be successfully added to the group

Text message fees may apply to you as a user, your information will not be shared with any other company or organization. You can sign up for as many groups as you would like to receive notifications for. Example: Lucy is a new 4-H member and taking a beef steer, market goat, and a sewing project. Lucy and her parents might be interested in signing up for the Holmes County Fair Beef Info (HCFBEE), the Holmes County Fair Goat info (HCFGOA), and Holmes County Fair Life Skills info (HCFLIF).

Listed below are the key words and the phone numbers to text to join each group. If you have any questions please contact Janessa at the Extension office (330) 674-3015 or email