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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

January 5, 2021 - 9:38am --

There are a lot of questions surrounding pesticide and fertilizer recertification for 2021. As you all know, deadlines for the recertification continue receiving extensions and the guidelines for in-person meetings keep changing. These circumstances make planning, and hopefully getting to hold, an in-person recertification meeting very challenging. A local, multi-county team is working on how we can best work within the guidelines that we have been given while also serving and meeting the needs of our agricultural clients. Thank you for your continued patience, and we hope to have dates set soon!

Here is what we do know:

  • If your license expires in 2021, you should have received a letter from ODA. If in doubt, check your license card for the expiration date.
  • The 2020 and 2021 recertification deadlines are both extended until July 1, 2021.
  • Any in-person meetings will be in a group of less than 50 people and follow all health guidelines (i.e. social distancing and masks) set forth by the state of Ohio, local health dept, etc.
  • Pre-registration will be required. Anyone who has not pre-registered (walk-ins) will have to register for a different in-person event or complete one of the online options.
  • The self-paced, online recertification for 2021 will open on January 11th. Register at on or after Jan. 11
Several counties may offer a "live" webinar version. This means:
  • The webinar format requires attendees to log-in and participate at a set time
  • Attendees will be required to actively participate using polling questions throughout to receive recertification credit
  • If the county's "COVID-19 color" changes to red or purple, all in-person events will be postponed immediately per Ohio guidelines


Please know that if you are unable to complete the online certification, your local OSU Extension staff are working hard to schedule in-person programming. However, if you are able, please also consider completing the recertification course online as attendance at any and all in-person meetings will be limited.

Again, thank you for your continued patience. We understand that each of you is experiencing many changes and disruptions to "normal" life. Feel free to call your local county Extension office for clarification on recertification. We will post updates as they develop at the following:

Our website:

Our Facebook page:

USPS mailings