CFAES Give Today
OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

May 22, 2022 - 12:00am --

A current list of events in Holmes County and across the state:

5/31/2022: Poultry Biosecurity webinar

6/1/2022: Holmes County 4-H Sewing Clinic

6/6/2022: Canner Testing at Keim Lumber (3 to 7pm)

June 2022: "Kids in the Kitchen" Summer Cooking Series

6/21 & 6/22: Cloverbud Day Camp

6/22/2022: Canner Testing at Mt Hope (9am to 1pm)

7/16/2022: Ohio Beef Day and Tour

8/1/2022: Canner Testing at Keim Lumber (3 to 7pm)