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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Market Lamb Contest Essays Due

Monday, April 1, 2019 - 4:30pm

The Holmes County Sheep Committee is excited to announce a market lamb give-away for the 2019 4-H year. The lamb will be a donation through the Sheep Committee in an effort to promote sheep projects for the Holmes County Fair.

The give-away is open to all 1st year sheep project participants (not just 1st year 4-Hers).

To enter, applicants will submit a short essay describing themselves, how they plan to care for the project animal (including housing, feeding, showing and selling). All essays must be submitted to the OSU Extension office by 4/1/19 at 4:30 pm. One winner will be selected and notified by the Sheep Committee. For any information related to the essay or other questions with 4-H sheep projects, please contact the following Sheep Committee member Nate Klink 330-231-6457.
