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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Dairy Feeder Tag-in

Saturday, May 18, 2024 - 9:00am to 10:00am
Harvest Ridge Fairgrounds


1. All Dairy Feeder projects must be tagged in May 18, 2024 from 9-10 am at the Holmes County Fair Grounds.

2. Dairy feeders must be 425: 750 pounds to compete for Champion.

3. Exhibitors may exhibit either a purebred dairy feeder or a dairy/ beef feeder cross at the 2024 Holmes County Fair.

4. Disqualified animals are eligible for showmanship. Feeders must be dehorned. All feeders are to be castrated by either cutting or banding and must not have any testicular development: no pinching is allowed. Castration procedure must be completed far enough in advance of fair that no open wound is visible at the time of the fair.

5. Dairy feeders will be sold during the Jr. Fair Auction on Friday evening. 6. Showing will be in the style of showing for beef animals. Show sticks are important for proper show appearance.

7. Classes will be divided by the total number of animals that are registered with no more than 10 feeders in each class.

8. Top 10 Dairy Feeders will be placed. All animals should be prepared to re-enter the ring to be considered for Top 10

9. Underweight and overweight feeders will not show for champion, but will be able to sell last.

10. Dairy Feeder Rate of Gain winner be awarded to the top rate of gain feeder in the 425-750 weight range.


Division/Class Description 900: MARKET DAIRY 20: Dairy Feeder ALL BREEDS WILL BE SHOWN TOGETHER. DAIRY FEEDER SHOWMANSHIP ENTRY RULES 1. Showmanship classes are divided by age of Exhibitor as of January 1. A. Junior: 11 years or under; B. Intermediate: 12, 13 or 14; C. Senior: 15 years and over. Division/Class Description 100 – SHOWMANSHIP 20: Senior Showmanship (Ages 15 & over) 30: Intermediate Showmanship (Ages 12-14) 40: Junior Showmanship (Ages 11 & under) 50: Supreme OME/OBE DAIRY BEEF Division/Class Description See page 16 for details. 950: OUTSTANDING MARKET DAIRY FEEDER EXHIBITOR 20: Senior Showmanship (Ages 15 & over) 30: Intermediate Showmanship (Ages 12-14) 40: Junior Showmanship (Ages 11 & under)