CFAES Give Today
OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Save the date! June 26th-27th, 2024

Cloverbud Camp Flyer - Click Here!

Open to all Holmes County youth (does not need to be 4-H member) ages 5-8.

Fee to participate: $30 - $20 for additional siblings (Additional $5 discount for campers who attended in 2023 due to t-shirts never arriving) 

Campers can be dropped off at the Baker Building at 8:30am and must be picked up at noon. 

Deadline to register is June 10th. 

Please submit registration and payment to:

OSU Extension, Holmes County

111 East Jackson Street,

Millersburg, OH 44654.

Checks made payable to OSU Extension. Payment with card can be made at

Drop box available for after hours submissions.